An active merlin nest in Spokane! I located this nest a few days ago after seeing merlins in the neighborhood for a couple weeks. They appear to be taiga merlins (Falco columbarius benderi) and have four young in the nest. I've talked with a few other local falconers and nobody seems to recall a merlin nest ever documented in town. I contacted Fish and Wildlife, but have yet to hear back.
These little buggers are entertaining. Like half-pint gyrfalcons, they race across the sky with flair and seem to catch game with ease. They have also been wonderfully 'kakky' around the nest, though not as vocal as I would have expected.
The young are growing fast and have taken to hopping about branches and enjoying the warmth of the sun. They are feathering out rapidly and will probably be testing their wings soon. Its been quite a joy to watch them.
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